ژوئن 18, 2024

    گفتگو با کیهان لندن درباره کتاب «بازخوانی مفهوم امت»؛ سید قطب و نواب صفوی دو پدر معنوی علی خامنه‌ای

    حسین علیزاده کاردار پیشین سفارت ایران در فنلاند که همزمان با اعتراضات به نتایج انتخابات ریاست جمهوری اسلامی خرداد ۸۸،…
    می 9, 2024

    انتشار کتاب «بازخوانی مفهوم سیاسی امت» به قلم حسین علیزاده….Re-Thinking The Politics OfThe Umma (Muslim Bloc)

    اسلام سیاسی به دنبال کسب قدرت سیاسی بر پایه ایمان مسلمانان است. گروه‌ها و جریانات سیاسی اسلامگرا نه تنها متکثرمی‌باشند…
    مارس 30, 2024

    پیام سفر اسماعیل هنیه به تهران و آینده جنگ غزه

    تاریخ انتشار: ۲۹ مارس ۲۰۲۴ / سایت زیتون به قلم حسین علیزاده تنها یک روز پس از تصویب قطعنامه شورای…
    مارس 26, 2024

    زمینه‌ها و پیامدهای قطعنامهٔ درخواست آتش‌بس فوری در جنگ غزه

    تاریخ انتشار: رادیوفردا / ۲۶ مارس ۲۰۲۴ حسین علیزاده پس از گذشت نزدیک به شش ماه (دقیقا در روز ۱۷۶…
    فوریه 16, 2024

    سفر اردوغان به قاهره؛ تأثیر جنگ غزه بر گرم‌شدن روابط مصر و ترکیه پس از ۱۰ سال

    تاریخ انتشار: ۱۶ فوریه ۲۰۲۴/ رادیو فردا سفر رجب طیب اردوغان، رییس جمهور ترکیه، به مصر و استقبال گرم عبدالفتاح…

    Partitioning others’ lands

    The Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916) and the Berlin Conference (1885) An article to to the 7th Finnish Mena studies at Tampere University, 10-11 June 2024 Unil a century ago, the Middle East’s political landscape looked different to that of today. None of the Arab countries we recognise today, with artificial boundaries, such as Jordan, Syria, Iraq, or Saudi Arabia, in addition to Israel and modern Turkey, existed a century ago. In referring to what is commonly described as the post-WWI Middle East new order, David Fromkin notes that the Middle East as we see it today was created by the Allies who ‘destroyed the old order in the region irrevocably, they smashed the Turkish rule of the Arabic-speaking Middle East beyond repair.’[۱] The new order started with the Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), which followed two examples. First, The Anglo-Russian Convention of August 31, 1907, on Iran. According to the Convention, London recognised ...

    The Global Threat of an Islamic Ummah 😮An Academic Study

    The Global Threat of an Islamic Ummah 😮An Academic Study ...

     Iran’s revolution and Sayyid Qutb

    Sixth Finnish colloquium of MENA studies- Helsinki 9-10.12.2021 By: Hossein Alizadeh :Introduction Four years after the Caliphate's destruction in 1924, the Society of the Muslim Brothers (also the Muslim Brotherhood –al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun in Arabic–) was created by Hassan al-Banna (1906-49) in Egypt in 1928. When speaking at the fifth conference of the Muslim Brothers in Cairo, Hassan al-Banna clearly states that: "Some people think of us as a group of preachers, concerned only to call people to virtues and abstain from sins. Others believe it is a mystical trend. We are not any of those. We call to return for true Islam, which is a belief and application, a home and a nationality, a religion and state, a spirit and body, and a Quran and Sword."[1] However, a prominent figure in the Muslim Brothers whose thoughts more than al-Banna still influence the Muslim world is Sayyid Qutb. He joined the ...

    Arab Middle East Partitioning

    Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916) Taking Example of Berlin Conference (Nov. 1884 - Feb. 1885) By: Hossein Alizadeh Sixth Finnish colloquium of MENA studies- Helsinki 9-10.12.2022 By: Hossein Alizadeh :Abstract History has all along documented the fact that borders have never been static. The outbreak of the First World War (the Great War) dramatically changed the political, social, and demographic landscape of large parts of the Middle East under the Ottoman Empire . The War erupted in July 1914 and terminated in November 1918 between the Allies Powers (also Triple Entente, mainly Britain, France, and Russia) and the Central Powers (mainly Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire). The end of the war brought about significant changes in the losers territories. As for the Ottoman Empire, at its greatest extent in the sixteenth century with almost 400,000 ml2 (1,036,000 km2), it was a significant military and transcontinental political configuration in three continents: namely ...

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